Why Choosing Faux Fur Throw For Decoration Is A Better Choice

Wednesday 9 March 2016

By George Anderson

Becoming an environmentalist means opting to use sustainable resources to keep your home animal cruelty free. Because the chances of getting an item that has been made through poached animals. More than likely happens through many boutique shops where manufacturers on purpose mistake their labels as fake when it is truly made of real fur.

It is not your fault for not knowing what happens behind the scene. But being vigilant when it comes to choosing accents for the home is very important especially if you think about buying a faux fur throw. As an addition to your living room set so you must learn to differentiate between real and unreal.

Yes, each have their own positive and negative points. But depending on what you are aiming for especially in terms of fashion and sustainable living. If you care about nature and its inhabitant then you should understand the difference between the real and fake furs for your own peace of mind.

Fake fur has been around since 1929 after several major animal rights group became aware of the impact of abuse towards animals. Because this many people were challenged to use artificial instead of real since the effects of hunting down animals meant forcing animals into extinction. More over using artificial type have their own benefits and disadvantages.

But on the other hand pile fabrics are often made from chemicals that could harm the environment. Chemicals such as coal, limestone, water, petroleum, and air are often used. However pile is often composed of two important chemicals called acrylic and modacrylic and other mixture of polymers.

More over these chemicals allow the pelt to absorb dye very easily. Aside that the chemical reaction between vinyl chloride monomers and acrylonitrile make modacrylic polymers easier to absorb and blend colors. Furthermore they are able to resist fire and mildew, and cannot be easily infested by insects.

Chemicals are often used to create the faux so that dye jobs are easily made to alter the coloring of the pelt. However these chemicals may not be good to the environment and are composed of air, water, coal, limestone, and petroleum. More over other chemicals like acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride monomers are also included.

The hardened liquid mixture undergoes quality check before being dyed or turned into pelt. The material goes through several filters and pipes so that each piece of pelt is of high quality which can easily be dyed. And finally is heated through a cylinder and cycled side to side until it is ready. Therefore manufacturers must synthesize first the chemicals and fabrics together, so that only quality materials are produced.

Producing quality faux is an intricate process that goes through several stages. Therefore buying good quality faux is not only important to avoid paying for fake fur made out of real animals. Hence it is very crucial to keep an eye out unscrupulous dealers trying to force you to buy their fur.

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