Fin The Best Non Emergency Medical Transportation Brevard County Offers

Tuesday 16 August 2016

By Martha Miller

Brevard County is situated on the East coast of Florida, along the Atlantic Ocean, and encompasses Palm Bay - Melbourne - Titusville FL metropolitan area. The county is known as the Space coast due to the influence of the John F Kennedy space centre situated in the county, it also has the one of the largest number of residents requiring medical assistance. Non Emergency Medical Transportation Brevard County is in some cases the only means for these people to be able to attend their treatments on a regular basis.

Providers of this very specific service have popped up in all States over the last few years. All of them offering different and diverse means of travel options for medical cases and patients. Before they can transport anyone, that client has to have proved a legitimate need for the services being offered and a need for the transportation to that service.

The size and demographics of the area make these types of transportation services vital to all the residents requiring treatments and doctor's attention. Companies have sprung up to fill this void, offering all manner of transportation to and from the various medial / treatment centers for the many numbers of patients in the county. Of the 10 hospitals in the area, only three are not for Profit and one has been named the top healing facility by the Baptist Healing Trust for the 3rd year in a row.

The State contracted transporters have to deliver a consistent high quality service in order to maintain their licenses, and affiliations to the State governed organization. Most offer a door to door service, assisting you to the vehicle, ensuring your comfort during the entire transport. Going that extra mile, assisting with check in at the medical centers, taking care of your safety the entire time.

Working closely with Adult day care facilities, assisted living centers, cancer treatment clinics, and rehabilitation centers. Vehicles are equipped with electronic lifts for Wheelchairs, and safety devices to secure the chairs once on board. Stretcher transport is carried out with two qualified and trained individuals to ensure the maximum safety of the client during their transport.

Generally a transportation service must include what is known as a wait time. This is the time they have to wait for the patient to receive their treatment and be returned to their home, facility or care center. Each State has a specification regarding the treatment waiting times.

Within that company offering the service there should be a variety of vehicles available to satisfy all the patients' needs. Some companies are able to offer cross state services via air ambulance as well as their local offerings. A diverse company such as this is an asset to any state and to all the patients that need to partake of their services.

In some States depending on the criteria for Non Emergency Medical Transport, drivers may be required to have certain skill sets. Obviously current valid licenses are vital but also chauffeurs license or similar taxi or van. A State may have additional qualifications that supersede the normal requirements and standards.

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