For Good Sod Installation Jupiter FL Is Worth Checking Out

Friday 4 March 2016

By Barbara Wagner

Sod continues to find more use in modern societies. Today, several thousands of acres of land are under sod grass in the US because of the ever-growing demand and consumption of the product. The grass is being bought and installed by both domestic as well as commercial users. The installation process is usually a tricky one and requires the skills of an expert. When in need of elegant sod installation Jupiter FL is the best place to check out.

Sod installation is not an isolated process like it may sound. It starts with proper surface preparation. The final product is highly dependent on how the surface was prepared before the grass was laid down. One should do some tests on the soil to ensure that it is of the right quality. If not, one may need to introduce soil with the right properties before planting.

All debris and materials exceeding 2-3 inches in diameter must be removed during site preparation. Wood, stumps, rocks, stones, and bricks are among materials that need to be removed. Drainage problems can be eliminated by rough grading. The land should be made to slope away from human and animal occupied structures such as houses.

One may do soil grading using hand-held tools or tractor-mounted equipment. Once grading is finished, the soil should be sprayed with fertilizers and herbicides determined to be suitable. Fertilizers provide nutrients to grass while herbicides kill a whole generation or more of weeds, which gives grass enough time to grow well. Once grading is complete, firming should follow, and then topping using top soil. Any suitable soil may be used as top soil and must be added to a depth of fifteen centimeters.

The soil must be at the correct level of acidity or alkalinity. This can be ensured by taking the pH value. Lime can be added to reduce acidity while gypsum or sulfur can be added to reduce alkalinity. For the best results, the pH value should range between 6.2 and 7.2 on the pH scale. Local soil experts or the supplier of turf can be consulted on the right level of pH.

The exact measurements of area to be installed must be taken. This is appropriate when making an order to ensure that the quantity bought is enough. One should make a sketch with the values of width and length. Any additional information such as physical and man-made features within the area should be included on the sketch.

The day for delivery of turf must be made after all preparations are finished. It is often recommendable to install the sod the same day it arrives to allow for strong beginning of the lawn. The grass should then be installed in a systematic manner, covering all areas. There must be no patches within the lawn after installation.

Water should be applied after thirty minutes of installation. Survival of planted grass depends on presence of moisture and contact with soil. One should avoid walking on the lawn after it has been installed. Left stacks have to be stored in a cool place.

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