Important Steps During Chimney Cleaning

Friday 26 February 2016

By Edward Cole

Having regular chimney inspection is very essential. This helps in knowing when to undertake a certain procedure on it in order to improve its performance. Its inspection should be done specifically once a year minimally. Chimney cleaning ought to be done on regular basis for safety purposes. It is generally recommended that even if you do not use it regularly it is very important to clean because animals might have built nests within it.

Its cleaning is very important because it helps in removal of creosote that builds up on the sides of the chimney due to the deposition of cooling smoke as it rises up. Creosote is combustible and it is one of the main causes of house fire in city San Diego, CA. Therefore cleaning is essential to avoid these types of misfortunes.

Those not well maintained may lead to be poor ventilation causing incomplete combustion of carbon, leading to production of carbon monoxide that is a very poisonous gas and can cause death. Therefore scrubbing enhances ventilation hence reducing production of poisonous gas. The ones with poor ventilation may cause the entire house to be smoky hence causing suffocation.

Corrosion and wearing away of the cap of a chimney is a very common phenomena. This is brought about by too much smoke. A torn one poses much danger to the house, for example it causes the rain water and other rubbish to enter the house. Therefore regular dusting helps in removal of deposits that hinder proper ventilation, a condition that may lead to the production of too much smoke.

Ensure that the fire place has stayed for about twenty four hours unused before commencing cleaning process. It is good to be in old clothes due to the dirt of the environment. It is essential to be in globes because some of materials to deal with are toxic. Cover the carpet and furniture with a plastic so as to avoid contaminating them. Then put the ash into an appropriate bucket.

Using a flashlight inspect the upper part of the chimney to check on the amount of deposition on it. A dirty one will have soot, a black or brown residue mainly in powder form. The presence of hardened dark substance vividly indicates the presence of creosote that is a great peril and ought to be cleaned. The commence scraping immediately. This is accomplished with the help of metal brush that helps in getting rid of the creosote and the soot.

Further deep cleaning is done with the help of wire brush, together with the mixture of trisodium phosphate and chlorine bleach in warm water. Start up the chimney and go down slowly until everything is done. Then walls are rinsed with the help of a towel using clean water.

When making a choice of a chimney sweep it is very essential to ensure that is certified and has plenty of experience. Consider matters such as how long does the company been into the business, when they had any complaint filed against them by their prior clients, or whether the sweep will be done on the job site. Also look at the duration the company will take doing the job.

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