4 Tips For Training Your Puppy, With Assisi

Thursday 25 February 2016

By Robin Setser

Anyone who has brought a puppy into the house can tell you that there is quite a bit of work that goes into it. Yes, it can be quite a bit of fun, especially for those who never had a pet before. However, you have to be able to train your young animal, as there is quite a bit of work that goes into it. For those who would like to know what this process entails - and Assisi can provide ample assistance - here are 4 methods you should follow.

At the onset, ensure that your puppy gets to know their new home. New surroundings can be quite overwhelming, especially for younger animals, so make sure that they're able to travel and see what the home has to offer. Once this is done, your new animal friend will be more trusting. As long as he or she is living within a safe environment, chances are that you're not going to have much trouble when it comes to the more extensive training.

Let's say that your puppy misbehaves; you have to be able to go about discipline in an effective fashion. For example, if the aforementioned addition to your family starts to chew on something that they shouldn't, you must speak with a clear, strong tone. This is the best way to get your disapproval across, especially since shouting isn't always the most effective method. Such a method matters in puppy training, so keep this in mind.

Even though discipline is an important factor in puppy training, what's just as vital is the affection you show as well. Maybe your dog has done something good, which is a symbol of effective training; this is where you can offer them a treat or take part in a bit of playtime. Either of these can prove to be effective, as far as positive behavior is concerned. Companies such as Assisi Animal Health can tell you that praise matters.

Finally, when your puppy is old enough, understand the importance of outside activity. You can definitely play inside of the home, but there's a greater sense of learning that can be earned by taking a walk, visiting the park, or anything else that involves you being outside. Your puppy will be exposed to new areas, unfamiliar people, and even other dogs. When the weather is nice out, outdoor activity will understandably be recommended.

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