With Natural Treats For Dogs NY Owners Will Have Healthier Pets

Saturday 7 November 2015

By Mattie Knight

For many families, lonely single people and elderly people their pets are their joy and pleasure. They treasure their pets and they want to give them only the very best. There are many examples of pet owners sacrificing personal needs in order to give their pets what they think they need. Pet ownership is indeed a big responsibility. Perhaps that is why, when it comes to natural treats for dogs NY pet owners refuse to compromise.

Vets and other animal health experts are unanimous when they warn pet owners against giving their animals too many snacks too often. A snack should be a special treat and overdoing it may cause a situation where the snacks become the main source of nutrition for the animal. This is not good for the animal and can actually lead to disease and a host of other animal health problems simply because the pet does not get a balanced diet.

Many pet owners buy their snacks at pet food suppliers. Unfortunately, this may not be such a good idea, even if the intentions are good. Most ready made snacks contain preservatives and additives that may be dangerous to the health of the pet. Some snacks have even been found to contain dangerous levels of antibiotics. The best thing to do is to keep the snacks natural.

Many doggie lovers are surprised to learn that their pets simply love natural, raw vegetables and fruit. Whole carrots, for example, is not only nutritious but they also clean the teeth and aid with the digestive process. Apples, green beans and even a little bit of cabbage mixed in with other food are excellent snacks. Like humans, canines will have their preferences so it may be necessary to experiment.

There is nothing wrong with using raw meat as a special snack for your favourite doggy. However, portions should be small and infrequent. Apart from the fact that meat is expensive, canines tend to become fussy about what they eat if they are spoiled with real meat too often. The meat snack should be lean and it should be raw.

Eggs are excellent snacks for canines. They are high in protein and there is no dog on this earth that does not love an egg. It can be served scrambled, raw or even cooked. Eggs are excellent sources of protein. Experts warn, however, that doggies should not be given an egg more than once a week. More than one will expose them to cholesterol problems.

Some snacks, even though they are loved by canines, should never be served. Caffeine, alcohol and chocolate, especially dark chocolate is dangerous and can even lead to the death of a beloved pet. Onions and garlic should never be given as a snack. All snacks that contain additives or preservatives should also be avoided.

Every pet owner wants to spoil his pet. Snacks between meals are fine but they should be given only on occasion and it is never a good idea to give more than one snack at a time. Well meaning pet owners do their beloved pets no favour by feeding them junk, even if they adore the junk they are fed.

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