Methods On How To Get Rid Of Mold

Thursday 5 November 2015

By Mattie Knight

This is a type of fungus that is found in the kingdom Fungi. It is known to thrive in dump conditions with favorable temperatures for their growth. Compared to other living organisms they lack the ability of producing their own food. Therefore they rely greatly on organic substances for their survival. They exist in different variety and this includes penicillium, aspergillius and the most common one that thrives in vegetables called Rhizopus stolonifer. Its presence in the ecosystem has more disadvantages compared to advantages. Therefore, the best way of dealing with this is to first understand what makes them grow well. Some of the factors that promote their growth are temperature, availability of spores and nutrients. Here are some of the measures on how to get rid of mold.

Since this type of organisms grow in moist conditions, it is important to keep surfaces dry and clean. These include bathrooms, kitchen and stores. It is also advisable to check on all the plumbing in your house to avoid leakages which easily promotes growth and survival of mold. It is important to always allow free floor of air into your home or keep it ventilated.

It is also very crucial to set up a mold catching filters within the air conditioning return vent. The filters will help you to ensure that none of these organisms get in your house. The fungal organisms will not thrive since there will be a reduction in number and hence reduction in growth rate.

Another way to curb growth of these organisms is by use of bleach to wash and clean it off. This can apply to equipment within your home that you may suspect to be affected for example floors, sinks, plates and tools. However it is advisable never to mix bleach with ammonia and even other cleaning agents. Remember that, when using bleach, it important to always wear protective gears to ensure your safety too.

There are also natural ways of controlling this through the use of vinegar. It can be used to clean up your home at large. You can use vinegar independently thus reducing complications during application. The best way of applying the vinegar involves spraying on the places occupied by molds and then leaving it to stay for a while. This is followed by cleaning.

Fermented liquids and ethanol can also be used to serve the same purpose as vinegar. This advantage is that their smell is not as strong as that of vinegar. For example, alcoholic products such as spirits contain toxic substances that kill mold and inhibit their growth.

Lastly, existences of gaps on your floor or tile to be specific can hold water. This provides good conditions for the growth of tiny fungus. You need to refill the gap using a thin mortar in order to prevent further damages and destroying the conditions favorable for their growth.

Mold pose a threat to health of individuals such as allergies, irritation of the skin and stomach upsets. You health and that of your family comes first and therefore its important to get rid of these organisms at all costs.

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