The Pros And Cons Of Synthetic Turf

Monday 30 March 2015

By Iva Cannon

Most homeowners typically require grass when they will landscape their lawns. On these grass fields, they can place flowers, shrubs, trees, and other decorations. Their visitors and guests will certainly appreciate the beauties of these lawns.

However, maintenance of natural grass could be costly. For this, synthetic turf Florida Keys can be considered. With the help of the following pros and cons, decisions as to whether these things should be purchased or not can be made by people living in Ramrod Key, FL.

If these products will be installed in the yards of homeowners, minimal costs will be incurred to have these items maintained. Typically, durability is possessed by these products and could last for long time periods. These things will not need to be replaced by the individuals several times. These can just be left behind for several years. The grass will not need to be trimmed all the time.

A homeowner with a natural grass lawn is usually spending money in paying for his water bill. He needs to be watering natural grass regularly for it to be staying beautiful and also attractive. If he has a bigger lawn, then he will be consuming more water. However, if he uses this artificial product, he could be saving water. He could also be saving money since he will not be paying a high water bill.

Big fields are available in schools so that several soccer competitions can be hosted. In settings where natural grass is used, the patches might be torn up by players. Puddles of very slippery mud could be the results of the patches. Injuries will be caused by these situations to the players. Their ankles might be twisted on uneven surfaces or might slip in these mud puddles. If these products are utilized by the schools, these situations will be least likely experienced by the players. Fewer injuries on players can be expected.

These things are only some of the advantages of these commodities. However, these things also have several disadvantages. They usually absorb too much heat. For this, several players may find it too hot to play their games. They may not be able to focus on their matches. To counter these effects, most organizations will play the matches during cool weathers. They also water the surfaces before they start the games.

These commodities typically contain several chemicals, such as lead, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and selenium. Too much exposure to these chemicals may have adverse effects on people. For instance, lead can cause stunted growth, mental retardation, and even death. Zinc can cause cardiovascular damages. After heavy rains, the artificial fields will drain. The run off may contain these hazardous chemicals and contaminate the ground or potable water within their communities.

Skin burns or lesions could be received by players when they play on the surfaces. These situations are experienced because of friction present between the skins and surfaces. Through the situations, dangerous infections can be contracted through the open burns.

Bacteria of different types could survive on the artificial products for three months and above. These are turned into bacterial breeding grounds. Since these things are not maintained regularly, the items will have skin cells, dust, blood, and sweat. Breathing problems will be caused by these build ups to asthmatics.

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