Efficient Horse Barn Construction Alberta

Wednesday 14 January 2015

By Kristen Baird

Western Canada and particularly the province of Alberta have become very desirable destinations for many families. There are amazing economic opportunities, great residential neighborhoods and many outdoor sports to enjoy. Equestrian activities have become one of the fastest growing areas of recreation. Riding is a hobby that all the family can enjoy, from the young children to parents and even grandparents.

It does not matter weather the owner chooses to keep their animals at home or board them, they will need to have good solid shelter from the elements. Horse barn construction Alberta is something that requires a lot of care and attention to detail. Anyone building barns must be aware of both the climate and the needs of the horses. Working with an experienced professional who really knows the business is one of the best ways to get outstanding value for money and barns that will last a lifetime.

One of the most important considerations is the number of horses to be housed. For a small back yard owner this may only be two or three animals. However, for a big commercial operation it can be as many as fifty or more horses. With the huge economic boom of the past few years there has been an increase in demand for all sports and especially equestrian sports. People realize it is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors, stay in shape and spend time with their family and friends.

Before construction begins it is essential to choose the best site. This should be on well drained ground that is not prone to flooding. If there is any problems with standing water the area will need to have good drainage measures installed first. Trying to build on wet ground will be a long term issue and really bad for the animals.

In a large facility there may be two, three or more blocks of stalls, which are connected with walk ways. This means that everyone has access to the wash stalls and indoor arena. However, the horses can be grouped together in small blocks. This can be very helpful for both care and administrative purposes and helps to create a better atmosphere.

The most efficient design for big barns is to arrange the stalls on either side of a central aisle. The aisle must be wide enough to allow for horses to pass each other safely as they move in and out. Riders want to have easy access and be able to put their horse on cross ties in the aisle whilst they groom them.

It is a good idea to meet with a number of local contractors before making a final decision. Each one will have their own ideas about how to design and construct barns. Talking with several people is a great way to get lots of time saving ideas incorporated into the design.

Some owners like to keep their horses stabled together. This really adds to the social element of ownership. Riders can meet up and plan their trail rides in the beautiful Alberta countryside. Youngsters may also want to have their ponies stabled together to add to the fun and companionship of this wonderful sport.

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